Amazing High School Student Challenges Himself To Grow

Stan Wier is a talented high school basketball player who is driven to challenge himself and improve his skills. As explained in a Buffalo News article, Stan has purposely played for three different high school teams, one of which was out of state in an effort to challenge himself and become better as a player. In Weir’s own words:

“… my goal was to become the best basketball player I could”. When he went to Indiana Weir states “I could see some of the best players in the country and you can see how you stack up. You find out your weaknesses and build upon your strengths.”

With each move Weir had to adapt to a new team, coach and teammates and off the court he had to adjust to different classes, teachers and social circles.

At East Aurora high school Wier has broken the school record for most points scored in a season and he has committed to play basketball for the University of Buffalo next year.

Part of Wier’s daily routine is that he gets up early every morning to practice hundreds of jump shots. He keeps a daily basketball journal to focus his efforts on improving as a player. Success in any field is not easy. Clearly Wier has a passion for basketball and a desire to be great. Staying on the same team for four years, while challenging is pretty safe and routine compared to the approach Wier has taken. Walking into a new environment and purposely competing with people who are better than you is scary to everyone and I am sure that it was scary to Wier as well. Dealing with and conquering fear is an important part of success that Wier has learned a great deal about.

Whether in Basketball or life in general, Wier has developed a good approach, which we all can learn from.

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